What is the dinosaur game called?

The dinosaur game on Google Chrome is called the Dinosaur Game or the Chrome Dino. However, when the Dinosaur Game was under development, it had the codename "Project Bolan." This was in reference to the vocalist Marc Bolan of the English rock band "T. Rex."

According to Google, the name Dinosaur Game is inspired by the game's purpose. This is because unless manually invoked, Chrome Dino only activates when there is no internet connection. And in this day and age, not having an internet connection is similar to the prehistoric times. Therefore, the developers chose the name Dinosaur Game. 

The dinosaur in the game is a pixelated Tyrannosaurus rex or T.Rex that runs across a landscape guided by the player. However, within the Chrome Dino game, the dinosaur's name is The Lonely T-Rex. 

The developers who created the Chrome Dino at Google built it into Chrome, which happens to be one of the most popular web browsers - hence the popularity of the game. Chrome Dinosaur Game falls under the genre of the endless running game.  

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You can play the dino game right on our homepage. We took the dino game to the next level. We promise you will love it!

The graphics of Chrome Dino is predominantly black and white. The Lonely T-Rex and the obstacles are black, while the background is a white desert landscape. However, as the game progresses and you hit about 340 points, the graphics of Chrome Dino change from black and white to gray graphics with a black background. 

If the player hits 700 points with the Lonely T-Rex, this graphic also represents the nighttime. This keeps alternating with the white background graphics as the game progresses. The graphics of the Dinosaur Game alternates at 1400 points and after every point, which is a multiple of 700. 

However, if you are using your mobile or a computer in the dark mode, the Dinosaur Game automatically loads with nighttime graphics. This adaptation deos not affect the speed or quality of the game in any way. 

Apart from the Lonely T-Rex, the obstacles are among the most important elements of the Dinosaur Game. The main obstacles are cacti and pteranodons, also called pterodactyls, which are also the main obstacles the dinosaur has to overcome. Learn more about them in our obstacles guide.