Students are playing the game during school hours
One of the main reasons enterprise admins disable the Dinosaur Game is because of the students. The primary device for doing schoolwork in several schools is a Chromebook.
School districts have public sessions for all users in their network that are configured to disable all types of games. However, there have been several incidents of students unplugging from the network or turning off the Wi-Fi in their devices so they can play the Dinosaur Game, which was initially only available offline.
Playing the Dinosaur Game during class reduces the attention of the students. In addition, when students turn off the Wi-Fi in a device, it also affects its usability.

Most of the students who play the Chrome Dino during class hours are often in higher grades, and they do not bother to turn on the Wi-Fi back on after they finish using the device. So when it's time for the students in lower grades, such as 1st and 2nd, to use the Chromebook, it becomes an issue.
If you are not a student but are connected to the same Wi-Fi server, the chances are that the network administrators have disabled the game to prevent the students from playing the game.